
Revving up a superior brand and sales presence online


I was retained by The Cimarron Group’s Traffic Agency to create the online presence for Mitsubishi Motors as the digital cornerstone of a $165M US market advertising account pitch.


Traffic, being a brand new agency set the stakes high for the Mitsubishi account, identifying the most critical and compelling aspects of communication not only to the clients executive team, but by targeting their end customer audience. Armed with automotive online trends, I was tasked with making a compelling case for the brand online. Multiple product lines, features, and options not only meant the GUI needed to be crystal clear in use, but also robust in providing an enhanced user experience, in keeping with a significant purchase investigation online. The overall brand positioning, messaging and creative concept not only needed to be brought to life, but be integrated and a natural extension of the other planned efforts in print, broadcast, and social media.


In keeping with the hi-tech product offering, the site features Mitsubishi automobiles in a fully CG rendered surreal environment- seemingly frozen and captured in time on a speeding metallic background. By simulating the feeling of euphoria while driving, the Mitsubishi brand promise was then leveraged, captured and branded with a driver promotional experience named Flash Drives; where owners of Mitsubishi cars were coupled with professional drivers on closed course conditions and recorded live. The Flash Drives logo depicted a perfectly executed slalom through obstacles, reflecting the nature of the promotion. In the end, not only did the Traffic Agency win the account, but with subsequent refinement, buildout and launch, the new Mitsubishi website was ranked #3 by JD Powers and Associates, an increase of 22 positions.

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